Sanitarium vs.sanitorium
Sanitarium vs.sanitorium

sanitarium vs.sanitorium

The task of preaching, teaching, and personal witnessing that the church is called to do can be done only by consecrated human instruments. The question that we are to ask ourselves then at the outset of this discussion is not, "Are we following the modern medical trends?" but rather, "Are we following the timeless principles given to us by inspiration?" The Role of the Physician This Heaven-sent guidance is the only valid foundation on which any legitimate dis­cussion of the medical work of the church can be based. White has given the church the objectives and guiding principles for our denominational medical program.

sanitarium vs.sanitorium

Scientific progress and technological change have profoundly altered our world, but they have not changed our objec­tives or the principles by which these objectives are to be achieved. An old way is not intrinsically better or holier than a new way merely because it is part of "the good old days." But neither are modern inno­vations and space-age trends inherently good or de­sirable because they are new. It is true that the past is no more sacred than the present. Because I do not believe that the treatment given these issues in this article repre­sents the opinion of many of our workers and con­stituents, I wish to present another viewpoint on this important topic. ST PETER’S College will buy the former Sanitarium site in Hackney to expand its campus, ending speculation the land will be redeveloped for housing.AN ARTICLE in the October issue of THE MINISTRY titled "How Sanitariums Became Hos­pitals, and Why" touched upon issues that are basic to our understanding of our philosophy of medical missionary work. With a degree in nursing from the University of Iowa and a degree in theology from Faith Theological Seminary in Delaware-where she graduated in 1951 as the only woman in a class of 17-Collyn served for seven years as head of nursing at Berakah Tuberculosis Sanitorium, a mission hospital just outside Bethlehem in Jordan. The word sanitarium is derived from the Latin word sanitas, which means health. The word sanitorium is derived from the Late Latin word sanitorius, which means health-giving. The difference between the words is their origin, though it is not much of a difference. The terms sanatorium and sanitarium are interchangeable, however, sanitarium is primarily a North American word. The plural forms are sanitariums or sanitaria. The plural form of sanatorium may be rendered as either sanatoriums or sanatoria.Ī sanitarium is also a facility where people with chronic illnesses or a need to convalesce are treated. However, some older institutions still retain the name sanatorium. With the invention of antibiotics, the sanatorium has for the most part, gone by the wayside. The only treatment available was fresh air, good food and the luxury to lie in bed and encourage the body to heal itself.

sanitarium vs.sanitorium

Tuberculosis was also known as the Great White Plague because of the extreme paleness of people with the disease. Before the advent of antibiotics, tuberculosis was a scourge on the population. The purposes of a sanatorium was to first, isolate the afflicted from the healthy population and second, afford the patient a healthy environment in which to heal. Sanatoriums were first established in the 1800s, mostly to treat tuberculosis. A sanatorium is a facility where people with chronic illnesses or a need to convalesce are treated.

Sanitarium vs.sanitorium