Understanding low/high-pressure systems and what type of hazards are associated with each, understanding and reading METARs and TAFs, encode/decode a PIREP, turbulence, and icing. Knowing basic meteorology should be included in any pilot program and should be the first thing a pilot looks at before planning a flight. Some tools to determine this are Surface Charts, GOES Imagery, and Prog Charts - commonly all found in the Imagery tab in ForeFlight. Can help you make a better go/no-go decision. Those will tell you if what weather you see right now is likely to change soon, or maybe not anytime soon at all. Is it an easterly wind? Perhaps a ridge has built in over the Atlantic. For example, is it foggy out? Maybe there's a stationary front over you. Zoom out and look at the synoptic scale (aka multi-state-view-level) weather for an understanding of why your local/mesoscale weather is what it is.I have no idea why this model isn't more widely used by pilots in flight training - it's exactly the timeframe that flights in a local area <3hrs would need to get a better weather picture. Basically a forecast of what the RADAR might look like. High Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) - This simulates all kinds of things, but in this case I used simulated reflectivity for you.I highly recommend RadarScope ( Apple/ Android/ Windows) Use a better RADAR app to view current info on a loop.Using forecasting tools that are appropriate for your window of flying opportunity can help you make better flying choices. If you haven't already, attend a SKYWARN spotter program too. Met-ED is laid out in a online class-room style and is pretty good. I do not regret paying $30 for the blu-ray. Storm Analysis 101 is dry, but I cannot stress how well the information is presented. Pykl3 has a ton of customizable features, RadarScope has almost everything I need "out of the box". I run both Pykl3 and RadarScope, both work great. I mostly use SPC mesoanalysis for surface obs and MDs. I like the UI on COD for the HRRR and a few other models. I primarily use Pivotal for my forecasts, but any of those will work just fine. ($) Model data, radar, Lightning, Obs and Satellite all in one package.Īt this time I'm not paying for HazWX nor simuawips.Here in OK we have, I've found that some states have similar mesonet websites.Anyone of the aforementioned forecasting model websites above for HRRR model data.The program re-downloads the support files and user viewset settings are lost every few days. This is caused by either a third-party "File Cleaner" type application that the user has installed OR by a device vendor implementation of a "File Cleaner." A few device vendors (Samsung has been one of the most aggressive) have implemented a very dangerous (to your data files) "feature" which deletes files from Internal or External storage on your device.

Many Gigabytes of important user files have been indescriminately wiped away from devices never to be recovered without so much as asking confirmation from the user. This is with high risk to your data integrity and it is highly recommended that users consider disabling the functionality. At the very least, some file cleaner apps have the ability to "whitelist" certain directories from deletion and folders with the name PYK元Radar (and PYK元Backup if extant) should be protected. PYK元Radar will recover automatically by downloading the support files though some user preferences, viewsets, and custom color tables may be deleted by these so-called file cleaners.Īs PYK元Radar was designed from the ground-up with user customization in mind, including map files and color tables, the ability to place it's files in user-accessible storage is paramount. At present, there are no known mechanisms for developers to mark folders as not-to-be-removed. Therefore, the end-user must take the necessary steps to prevent deletion. PYK元Radar self-cleans any old files at runtime making such cleaners unnecessary. While most users will not need to remove the mapping data (particularly after traveling a great distance) that option is available in Menu/Settings/Info and Support/Reset Options/Reset GIS.
The instructions for disabling built-in file cleaners vary by device and the best way to discover how to remove them is via a Google Search, or reviewing your Android Settings carefully.