That backstory is the reason Minkyoung proposed making our own e-reader. It’s kind of an amazing experience for a type designer. I have never read so much actual text in one of my own fonts, especially a work-in-progress. The Paperwhite screen is as good as most of the laser printers I had access to when I first started making typefaces decades ago.

New forest textlab how to#
Thanks to Jesse Ragan of XYZ Type for teaching us how to install the fonts as well as make Kindle-friendly documents. In fact, I have been using a Paperwhite and Occupant Oldstyle for the majority of my reading during the last year or more. Instead of proofing it on paper or on the screen of my laptop, we used a Kindle Paperwhite e-reader. The process for making Occupant Oldstyle was different than any typeface I have designed previously. That’s the typeface you are reading right now. We asked Minkyoung to make something to promote our new typeface, Occupant Oldstyle. Joshua Kotin compared the relation of authorial time scripted in Walden (1854) to the narrative timeline Thoreau conjures throughout the text, theorizing that the imaginative timeline “exploit independence.This website was developed by Minkyoung Kim. The panel “Transcendentalism and Temporality” offered three examinations of Thoreau’s investigations of time and space. Using two versions of Lawrence’s essay on The Leatherstocking Tales, Gustafson revealed his mounting skepticism about democratic republicanism as he grappled with the American legacy of racialized violence. Lawrence’s shifting interpretation of Cooper during his tenure in Taos, New Mexico. Gustafson built upon the issue of Cooper’s contested legacy in her examination of D.H.

Cooper responded to such misappropriations with The Deerslayer (1841), seeking not only to remember and to resurrect, but also to refurbish, Natty Bumppo. Wayne Franklin explored how writers have appropriated Cooper’s characters and plots in the service of political ideologies to which Cooper objected-in particular, for celebrating white triumph over Native Americans. By differentiating American domestic relations from British models of blood-based land ownership, Cooper’s novel illustrates how the plasticity and mobility of the American household ushers the new nation into history. Interrogating the function of memory in The Last of the Mohicans (1826), Leonard Tennenhouse suggested that Cooper rethinks war between European powers in terms of sentimental marriage relations. The panel “Negotiating Memory in James Fenimore Cooper’s Leatherstocking Tales” looked toward Cooper as both a memorialist of the American colonial past and toward memories, re-situations, and appropriations of Cooper’s own legacy in American literary history.

fiction from 1850 to 1875, Matthew Wilkens concluded that the population of a place strongly predicts the frequency of its literary representation and that the spatial experiences of writers’ formative years affected their literary production more than the national historical imagination. Plotting data from a wide swath of references to place in U.S. Gretchen Woertendyke paired the work of Bruno Latour and Édouard Glissant in order to analyze the intricacies of U.S.-Cuban national relations beyond mere spatial juxtaposition and to conceive the oceanic as a nonhuman agent. Melissa Gniadek provoked questions about local-global relations and temporalities in her examination of the pamphlet Wonderful Discovery! (1839), which appropriated geological and exploratory tropes from Symzonia (1820) and The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket (1838). The small town’s sentimental remembrance of Jones’ care for deceased Confederates elided his financial success as a funerary capitalist and the questions about race and resistance raised by his proximity to Twain. Jillian Spivey Caddell examined two locally memorialized residents of Elmira, New York: Mark Twain and runaway slave-cum-Underground Railroad conductor John W. Discussions in the roundtable “Geographies of Memory in Nineteenth-Century America” ranged from close readings of minor localities to statistical meditations on national and transnational literatures.